
Timothy G. Wighton, MD, Dr. PH
While living in Belgium and after a break from horses due to years of focusing on my medical career, I started riding again after 12 years. Needless to say, it was much more difficult than I had anticipated. So I reached out to Sara, as I had done from the start of my days as an amateur. Once again Sara's insight and clarity helped facilitate a smooth transition back into the saddle. When I returned to the USA, my sights were clearly set on returning to the Jumper ring. I set out thinking that I was prepared mentally and physically. Quickly my confidence turned to all-consuming anxiety.

I spoke with my trainer and asked him for his support in having Sara work with me over a one week period. My work with Sara focused on getting me to anticipate and execute strategy, providing the clear informational aids and then rewarding the equine response. As the week progressed, I was feeling each and every movement of my horse and working with that information to adjust my aids. Communication between rider and horse is the core of Sara's teaching foundation, and her extraordinary depth of knowledge.

The proof of her work with me came at Lake Placid. The nerves were still there, but I now could harness them to focus on the competition. Success! I experienced forward, confident rounds that improved daily. I am now able to look forward to competition and building on my successes!

Cara Martin, EBW Equine Massage Therapist, striderightequinemassagetherapy.com

My young warmblood and I have had the pleasure of working with Sara Hufstader. I have to admit we were quite stuck, but in just a few lessons we were able to break through and move forward to the next level. Sara presents her lessons in a clear and positive manner. She always explains the how's and why's of what we are doing as it relates to biomechanics of both horse and rider. As an equine massage therapist, I certainly understand equine biomechanics and the importance of suppleness.

Sara has a wonderful way of helping a rider feel if the horse is traveling straight in their spine and what part the rider plays in helping the horse maintain that straightness. In just a short time, I went from rides that ended in a little bit of anger and a lot of frustration to rides that ended in a smile and an eagerness to try again the next day. Sara emphasizes the importance of rider position and relaxation in order to achieve harmony and suppleness. She also manages to make getting the most out of horse and rider as stress free as possible.

Lacey Halstead, Manager, Spring Island Equestrian Center

Sara did more in two months to improve the relationship between myself and my horse than anyone else had done in six years! Sara has a remarkable ability to assess horse and rider teams and provide them with exactly the guidance they need. Her ability to evaluate a horse's body and brain is impressive, and that, combined with her skill at addressing a rider's physical and emotional roadblocks, make Sara Hufstader an invaluable trainer and coach.